
Childhood Icons Turning Black

I recently watched Suicide Squad. In it, Deadshot was played by Will Smith…”OMG a Black Guy! No Way!”…c’mon really, people?  There were so many posts and tweets and online bullshit about how the classic Deadshot was white and can’t be played by a black guy. Which yes he was drawn as white, so what. The same things happened when the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play had started and the adult Hermione is played by a black woman, “Hermione shouldn’t be black!” and Fantastic Four, the Human Torch was played by a Black guy and there was Rue in Hunger Games and in Force Awakens the storm-trooper. No one ever said Rue, Hermione or storm-troopers were white, people just imagined them as such.  I often wonder if it was due to racism more than keeping it how it was portrayed in the books, since books were so vague on characteristics.