
Mom’s Racist Boyfriend (part 2)

Being Black – continued: It was strange that some Black things were okay for us and others not. I spent years off and on living between my mom and my uncle (her white brother) who loved Tina Turner and Diana Ross and loved to dance around the house with us to any music. Yet, being around Mom’s Boyfriend, it was made clear we should not be Black at all.

Mom’s Racist Boyfriend (part 1)

I thought he was nice at first. I was probably six when he and my mother started dating. Throughout our childhood we learned that his family had some ties to KKK and his father was some head guy within West Virginia Klans. I never got solid proof, just what he would say with pride when he pushed around his power. It was never racial name calling or physical abuse. That’s why it took a while to realize it all. It was more his actions, how he talked down at us like we were less of a person or that he expected us to be subservient. Anything we did that wasn’t what he said or when he said – was wrong. He needed full power over us and sadly, my mother loved this guy and that love blinded her from his extremely horrible treatment of us.